Long hot summer…

The barley was early, the silver tinged, almost platinum fringed ears, ready for harvest by July in places…and we thought it would rain…but week upon sun-drenched week later, the wheat turned to deep golden and the earth hardened and cracked. This year has been the very definition of a long hot summer, we basked in the suns rays early on, and watched as the hedgerows became parched - cow parsley loosing the battle for water early on, the sparkles of white blossom turning to deep ochre then russet. Autumn seems an age away - although we know that it hides just around the corner and everything is silver and gold. I absorbed and recorded the sleeping beauty of the dusty landscape, contrasting the salty breeze of the north sea coast with the dappled stillness of a woodland glade just out of the suns rays, or the trembling mirages on a golden wheat field. Everyone slows down in the heat, emphasising the quiet majesty of the landscape…


Wilford Bridge